Oil and Gas Performance Chemicals

Oil and Gas Performance Chemicals

PFI-60 Super Drag Reducing Agent

A complex proprietary blend of organic hydrocarbons used to help reduce drag, lower back pressure, and improve flow in crude oil pipelines. PFI-60 creates a molecular bond with crude oil and utilizes wall layer modifications to reduce turbulent friction in the system. This results in laminar flow conditions in pipelines with abnormally high Reynolds numbers. This helps reduce the amount of energy required to transport the liquid and improves the flow characteristics.

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We have developed a proprietary chemical called PFISURFLOW Scale Remover. This product was designed for hard scale removal in all types of oilfield applications but specifically for Flowback pipes, joints, elbows, and separators. PFI-SURFLOW Scale Remover uses a technique which dissolves by utilizing catalytic activators which enhance the rate of dissolution and has proven effective with a wide variety of scales and most specifically with barium sulfate scale commonly found in flowback operations.

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PFI-12 Drilling Mud Cleaner is a high activity solvent-based emulsifier cleaner. Cuts heavy oil deposits in OBM (Oil-Based Mud) systems and a superior demulsifying tool.

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PFI-28 Drilling Mud Lubricant reduces drilling torque and drag, minimizes pipe sticking, and increases bit life. The most effective application is in oil-based mud (OBM) deep and deviated wells. It meets and consistently exceeds requirements specified by NPDES, pertaining to Gulf of Mexico discharges, and does not increase toxicity of the base mud, LC-50 of 465,685 ppm at 5 volume %.

PFI-33 WIRELINE (HONEY) OIL – GREASE 5V, 10V, 15V, 20V, 24V, 26V

PFI-33 Honey Oil wireline grease is blended with high quality hydro-treated Group II base stock mineral oils and is designed to seal and have excellent lubricity  characteristics for wireline, wire rope and cables. The PFI- 33 Honey Oil wireline grease is engineered to inhibit the corrosive effects of H2S, acids, brine water, caustics, and CO2. It has excellent seal protection, reduces friction and provides protection against corrosion. PFI-33 Honey Oil wireline grease also has cohesive properties to drips, splatters, and is blended with corrosion inhibitors to effect long range protection to the wireline.

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PFI-50 Paraffin Inhibitor/Dispersant

  • PFI-50 Paraffin Inhibitor is a unique blend of proprietary compounds that provides several functions and is compatible with all crudes.
  • PFI-50 Paraffin Inhibitor is a paraffin and asphaltene inhibitor/Inhibitor solvent package designed for fast removal, which makes it a preferred selection for pipeline use.
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PFI-55 Paraffin Solvent/Dispersant

PFI-55 Paraffin Solvent is a proprietary blend of solvents and Solvents that is extremely effective in removing and dispersing wax deposits from storage tanks, pipelines, down-hole, and surface equipment in the removal of heavy hydrocarbons from formation surfaces.

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PFI-65 Tank Cleaner

PFI-65 Paraffin Solvent is a proprietary blend of solvents blended specifically for removing and dispersing wax deposits from crude storage tanks. PFI-65 is highly effective as a formation cleaner for stripping heavy hydrocarbons from formation surfaces. PFI-65 was designed specifically for higher gravity crudes that contain a high wax content but is also effective on lower gravity crudes.

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PFI-66 Super Drag Reducing Agent is a complex proprietary blend of organic hydrocarbons used to help reduce drag, lower back pressure, and improve flow in crude oil pipelines. PFI-66 creates a molecular bond with crude oil and utilizes wall layer modifications to reduce turbulent friction in the system. This results in laminar flow conditions in pipelines with abnormally high Reynolds numbers. This helps reduce the amount of energy required to transport the liquid and improves the flow characteristics.

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PFI-BIOSUDS Readily Biodegradable Degreaser is an optimized, readily biodegradable, zero VOC, no caustic soda surfactant blend for water-based degreasing. PFIBIOSUDS is efficient for cleaning organic soils, such as grease and oil. PFI-BIOSUDS can often replace a solvent for cleaning. The powerful and versatile cleaning performance of PFI-BIOSUDS can be used in a wide range of applications.

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PFI-OrganiMax Microbial Remediation Treatment is an organic, non-pathogenic and non-toxic microbial composite product. PFI-OrganiMax is blended with Microbials' that effectively remediate hydrocarbon spills, including drill cuttings from oil & gas wells.

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Investing in energy for over 40 years with an extensive and productive portfolio of projects

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Our team has more than 40 years of investing and operating experience in the energy industry, which gives us the perspective to understand the challenges and opportunities in today’s industry.

Our Products

The first revolutionary product of our chemicals is defined as a drag reducing agent (DRA). The oil industry uses many thousands of gallons of DRA every day in every pipeline in the world. A drag reducing agent improves the flow of oil in a pipeline. In general, the existing products do not work very well. They continue to be used because any improvement is important and the overall cost of DRA per barrel of oil produced is low (Typically, DRA is injected at about 50ppm). The PFS DRA is a much better product than anything on the market. In existing pipelines, the PFS DRA has shown a 66% improvement of flow within hours of injection into the pipeline.

The second revolutionary product is a MUD lubricant for use in oil drilling. MUD is an existing product with specific functions at the drill tip in the drilling process.mMUD lubricants are added to the MUD to improve the MUD performance. The PFI MUD lubricant has been shown to improve drilling time by 30%. In one trial, drilling time was reduced from 11 days to 8 days in one oil field compared to existing MUD lubricants (Shocking for an industry as developed as the oil industry).

From these main two products we have developed others that benefit all types of industries.



Got questions? We’ve got answers.

  • Is oil a good investment?

    In the oil and gas industry, this means that drilling costs—from equipment to labor—are up to 100% tax deductible. Oil and gas investments are an excellent write-off against income or gains in other areas. This makes oil a very good investment for many!

  • Is clean energy a good investment?

    The economic rationale for investing in clean energy is clear, but the climate and health benefits make it a slam dunk. Invest in clean energy with United Exploration today.

    Renewable energy investments are delivering massively better returns than fossil fuels in the U.S., the U.K. and Europe, but despite this the total volume of investment is still nowhere near that required to mitigate climate change. Help change the earth for the better by investing with United Exploration. Contact us today for any more information.

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